Articles a.k.a. Stuff I Write About
Exploring the world and sharing it with you.
TMB Day 5 Refuge Elizabetta, IT to Refuge du Col de la Croix du Bonhomme, FR
Day 5 of our Tour of Mont Blanc - Bonjour France!
TMB Day 4 Courmayeur, IT to Refuge Elizabetta, IT
Day 4 of our Tour of Mont Blanc - Moo-ving on!
TMB Day 3 Refuge Bonatti, IT to Courmayeur, IT
Day 3 of our Tour of Mont Blanc - rainy and overcast.
TMB Day 2 Ferret, CH to Refuge Bonatti, IT
Day 2 on the Tour of Mont Blanc trail. Daily log and pictures!
TMB Day 1 Champex, CH to Ferret, CH
My daily log and information on the first day of our Mont Blanc Tour.