Happier with Gretchen Rubin is a podcast from the Cadence 13 network. The following is a curated list of all the "Try This at Home" suggestions related to SENSORY.
Episode no. Try This at Home Suggestion
5. Embrace good smells.
8. Give warm hellos and good-byes.
14. Cultivate a shrine.
42. Act the way you want to feel.
53. Put the word “meditation” after any activity you’re finding dull.
59. Find your lucky charm.
65. Enjoy your home’s special features. Gretchen wrote about this issue in her book Happier at Home.
69. Give someone a surprise treat. This is fun!
71. Choose a signature color. This is a big commitment!
72. Have room of your own. Maybe not an entire room, but some room.
75. Develop a minor expertise. Right now, Gretchen is obsessed with color. The most fascinating, delightful subject ever.
78. Seek out silence.
80. Know your love language - Five love languages
87. Identify your “Happiness 911” song. You can find the Spotify list here or on your smart-phone app, you can find the playlist by searching “happierwithgretchenrubin” (one word).
92. Leave something unsaid.
98. Have a quest (which is different from having a mission, which is slightly different).
108. Use your shower as a “happiness booth.”
109. Pay attention to the light.
117. Write a haiku. A haiku is a form of three-line Japanese poem with one five-syllable line; one seven-syllable line; one five-syllable line.
131. Do ten jumping jacks. It will boost your mood and increase your energy.
142. Schedule some daily transcendence. One popular way: daily transcendent readings.
155. Choose a signature scent.
156. Kiss in the morning, kiss at night.
161. Embrace the cheese. In Elizabeth's case, Valentine's Day.
166. Watch old video clips of celebrities or famous people who catch your interest or whom you you admire.
167. Be a tourist in your own home.
174. Make something by hand that you'd ordinarily buy.
175. Plan a nice little surprise.
176. Note the start date of any notable pain or symptom. We've both learned this the hard way. (Mark Duplass - Meditate, public library, get more exercise and light
182. Take a "scent snapshot" of your life.